Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Coming Home!

I come home for leave in 10 days. In many ways I am settling into the life and the work here, but being away from family and home is still hard. Thing is it is hard for all the expats, this is not an easy life, as my boss put it "You have to be crazy to be here."

I am learning a lot by being here, about Nigeria, about the world, about the US, and about myself. As the ideas come together I will try and put them here, for now it is just an expanded sense of perspective. It isn't just the travel, I have always believed travel can give you a wider view of the world, but what I am gaining is coming from working side by side with Nigerians everyday, beginning to learn how they see the world. That is a different thing altogether.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Well there is no two ways about it, Nigerian sunshine in the dry season is brutal, simply brutal. With no protection from overcast, etc. you are in the direct heat of the sun from 6AM to 6PM. We used to brag about being able to cook an egg in the sunshine in Phoenix, here you could roast a pig. Damn.