Friday, July 30, 2010


One of the strange things about working in a hot humid environment is how easy it is to become dehydrated.  The reason for this is that as your body sweats to cool you down there is too much water in the air for the sweat to evaporate so there is no cooling effect.  Then because you did not cool down, you sweat even more.  ZPMC has been dealing with this for a long time and have come up with an interesting answer:

ZPMC "Salt Soda Water"  Comes in two flavors, both bad, and a Popsicle version that isn't so bad.  And they make a lot of it.  Warehouses of it:

And there is a whole group of people here whose job is to ride around in three wheel bikes handing these things out.  I have had more than a few myself.

Bragging Rights

Meet Bay 14:

350 meters (1150 feet) long by 40 meters (131 feet) wide.  Two independent surveys by two different companies in let's say less than ideal conditions.  Relative error? 0.0005 meters (0.02 INCHES). Step up!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


4 AM, 85 degrees, 80 percent humidity, gonna be a long day outside....

Friday, July 23, 2010

It's weird....

It's weird, but I am starting to want one of these....

Because someone asked...

Here is a picture of the struts that will support the bike path.  The strust are built and fitted here, but the path itself will be fabricated in the US.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Lenny insisted on taking this picture to prove I do occasionally work.

Did I menton...

Lifting heavy things?

This is west segment 7 of the bridge being floated around a portion of the dock to be loaded on the ship.  Why floated?  Because it was too heavy for the dock.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The kitchen...

This is my kitchen, and no, it isn't as large as it looks, definitely a one person workspace.  And the surfaces are all at about my belt-line.  Not much in China is made to fit me.   On a related note here are two interesting gadgets I have found:

The one on the top is what I first found when looking for a cheese grater,  It cost 4 Yuan (about 60 cents) and I have no idea if it works, but it is a totally handmade work of art.  The item on the bottom is a multipurpose vegetable peeler, shredder, knife, bottle opener, that is just handy to have around.  It cost 7 Yaun (about 1 dollar) and I am bringing a few home with me.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Having fun in the sun!

Thought I would share this picture.  It is 7:30am, 85 degrees, and you can see the fog.  Don't Robin, Ganguly, and I look like we're having fun.  The vest is pretty flattering too!

Friday, July 2, 2010


for some reason the Chinese seem to really, really like packaging.  Now I know I take more pills that the average person, okay three average people, but this the  the detritus from one weeks worth of meds:

They only make meds here in the minimum doses, so if you need more you take more pills.  and each and every pill is in its own bubble pack.  And it isn't just medications, a bag of peanuts comes with a little plastic tray in the bag, everything seems to come with an abundance of plastic packaging.