Friday, April 26, 2013

The adventure begins.

So the start of a new phase in life. This one is a bit different, the closest thing in my experience is the move to Seattle. But this is different, just me, the wife, and the dog.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A new job. A new adventure.

So it took a bit of looking, okay a whole hell of a lot of looking, but I finally found a job.  And with this new job comes a whole new adventure.

First, the where of it; Farmington, New Mexico.  Farmington is the largest city in the Four Corners area.  Four Corners is the unique juncture where New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado come together.  High desert at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.  The scenery is incredible.  Thing is, if you use Google Streetview to do some exploring, you will find that Google did not do Farmington any favors.  Main Street was photographed at night, possibly in the rain.  The rest of the town was done at the height of winter, not a green leaf to be seen.  On top of that you have to do some real searching on the web to find any good news about the place (though this is true for good news in general).  But unbiased information can be found, and while it will be a big change from anyplace we have ever lived (putting aside my misspent youth) it sounds like a nice place.  I will keep you posted.

Then there is the job. Professional Land Surveyor for a native american owned company named iiná bá Inc.  (It will take some practice to learn how to pronounce that correctly.)  They do a lot of work for the Navajo Nation and their values are structured along native american philosophy. Should be interesting.  I am also thinking that it will be a different path than the "dirt butcher" work that has been such a big piece of my career.  It is hard to put into words my growing discomfort with that kind of work.  Again, I will keep you posted.

If you are so inclined take a look at their website: