Sunday, May 5, 2013

I am so lucky

I try, but truth be told I am not a good man. But I have a spectacular woman who loves me, kids who are off the top spectacular, and a unique collection of people I call friend. I am a lucky man.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Okay, when you just pull it of the the top of your head, you would think Farmington NM sucks.   Well I have to say that is wrong.  And I have been places that sucked, I have been places that redefined sucked.  This is nice.  Comfortable, warm, homey nice. Yeah. that kind of place. And this might seem strange, but the native americans I have met so far really remind me of the nigerians.  There is something so basic and earthy.  I guess the common trait is they don't do bullshit. I have so much more to learn.