Thursday, January 14, 2010

What did I learn in Nigeria?

Right before I left a good friend asked me this question and I was not in a good place to answer, too much Gulder. But it is a good question and deserves an answer. So:

  • I like Pepper Soup, it comes in a variety of versions and heat levels (from mildly hot to Oh! Damn!!!). I sampled several, enjoyed them all.
  • I like Stew, usually red and hot with fish or mutton.
  • I don't like Mellon Soup.
  • I am not fond of Garri, it isn't bad, but it isn't good either. It reminds me of poi, if you are born into it you probably love it. I also never mastered the "roll it into a ball and dip it" technique. I stuck to rice.
  • Nigerians are the friendliest people I have ever met. They make Seattlites seem down right withdrawn.
  • The US is a very wonderful place to live.
  • Liability lawyers do more harm than good.
  • When you buy a gallon of gasoline you before you complain about the cost you need to think about how much it cost the people of the country who sold it to us.
  • There are a lot of good people in the world, even if they are a small percentage of the population.

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