Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bridge Parts Part-01

Since I am here working on the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge, I thought I would post a few pictures of what we are up too.  The project here is really two projects, one building the Tower and the other building the Deck.  The Deck referred to as the OBG (Orthogonal Box Girder) a reference to its structural design

Lets begin with the Tower.  the full tower is 500' high.  Here re lifts One and Two in vertical trial assembly:

Now it is really hard to get the perspective on this thing, but the portion you are looking at is 200 meters beyond the crane we are looking thru, and is 270' tall.  We surveyed the top of that tower, from the bottom to +/- 1 millimeter.  Fun.

If the folks at ZMPC are good at anything it is lifting large, awkward, heavy things.  This is a segment of the west shaft of the tower being moved around the factory floor:

The other part of this project, OBG, is also a massive undertaking.  Here is a shot of one of the fabrication yards (taken from a platform 25 meters in the air):

That little shape on the right hand side is a man on an ebike.  Here is a shot of the OBG Trial assembly from the other side of the platform:

You can see some man sized specks in that one too.  Oh, and about lifting heavy things?  Here is a picture of one of the OBG asssemblies being loaded on the ship for shipment Two:

Yes, that is a 4000 Metric ton crane, 4,000,000 Kilos, 8,800,000 lbs.  I did say HEAVY things.

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