Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Visa reset

Yesterday was a long day.  Visas in China are complex, each country has a different program.  I have a one year visa that I am told can be extended to almost three years, the catch is I have to leave the country every 90 days.  I just finished my second pass at this by making a one day trip to Hong Kong and back.  See Hong Kong, is, but isn't China.  The "One country, two systems" thing only makes sense to the Chinese.  But as always interesting things happen on the trip, the one that struck me as outragously funny yesterday was this:

What looks like an out of focus picture is actually a cloud forming inside the cabin of the airplane when they turned on the air conditioning.  The funny part is how everyone just kind of ignored it.  At one point you could not see more than about 5 feet.  The flight staff and most the passengers didn't ignore it, just behaved like it wasn't happening.  Surreal.

1 comment:

  1. Uhhhh bubububbah buhhhh! GET ME THE HELL OFF THAT PlANE! LOL

    Aint't no way man! You are brave!
