Thursday, October 28, 2010

Out of China

In mid-September I published a post about a political event and how it had made "a hard job harder".  Shortly there after I found out my post was having the same effect, so I promptly took it down and locked the blog for a bit.  Now those of you who know me know I am not the politically correct type.  I say what I think and will stand behind it.  But I am not a hypocrite, those working on the SFOBB job deserve respect and support.  It is a hard demanding job that wears people down.  Sometime soon I will post about the human cost of this project.  What I will not be doing is posting my view of leaving China, no good will come of it and it will just make a hard job harder for those still there.  If you want to know, email me, if I know you and trust you I will share.


  1. I always value your opinion, John. BTW: I started a new gig with the USDA Forest Service here in Nevada. When are you coming home?

  2. Home now, but off the market for a bit, have a little "healing up and hairing over" to do. Doctor says could be 5-6 weeks, should heal completely though. I'll drop you a note on the back-story. They have forests in Nevada?
