Friday, December 31, 2010

Shanghai Survey Truck

Now those that have been patiently following along know how much I loved the CalTrans approved Shanghai Team Survey truck.  And since maintenance is a vital part of survey operations I thought I would introduce our factory authorized service representative:

He is the guy on the right.  The tent with the cheerful red and blue strips is both his shop and his home.  For various reasons we would see him about once a week, usually for a flat tire, but occasionally for some other tweak or fix.  He always wore a smile.  He most certainly overcharged the lao wài (foreigners), we didn't mind.   Never did learn his name.

Not sure who the woman is, but she really wanted to be in the picture.    Notice the bright red box in the background?  In that box is $40,000 worth of survey equipment.  Security never said a word to us about carrying it back and forth through the gate.  These being the same guys that randomly roust workers as they pass, searching through the papers in the baskets of their bikes and such.  China.

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