Sunday, June 28, 2009

Charles de Gaulle

Okay, the french are just different. But it is all in small subtle things. Charles de Gaulle is one of the busiest airports in the world, and example of the "first" world at its best. And entirely confusing. To begin, when they sell you the ticket that brag about you will land and depart from the same terminal. Except you won't. You will land on the tarmac and then be taken out to an unsecured area and have to go thru security again. And the bottle of water you bought in the secure part of the Seattle Tacoma airport? is now a major security issue. I had forgotten about it. had to explain to the airport security, armed with HK machine pistols, how it was a mistake. Lucky I am a large fat white American.

But there are more little details. The one thatsticks out, because I was trying to find my what to the gate I was supposed to have landed at was that... everyplace I have ever been if a sign meant that you were supposed to continue down a corridor the arrow points up. In France they point down. Not that hard to figure out, unless you have just spent 12 hours on a plane. Oh, and the only french I have can get me drunk, or slapped. I had a two hour lay over, barely cuaght the plane.

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