Sunday, July 19, 2009

Going to work

Surveying in Nigeria is not like working in the States. First off is a fundamental change in mind set. In the States, equipment is cheap and people are expensive. In Nigeria it is the other way around. Manual labor is easy to acquire, but equipment is expensive. But as it always seems in my career, fortune has smiled on me. I work with a team of intelligent motivated people. To be honest, I have worked more than a few jobs in the US where I wish I had these guys.

But let's talk construction. There are w few OSHA inspectors I would love to bring here, just to watch their head explode. Take a look at this:

Yes, that is indeed my survey crew 4 meters in the air, with the only fall protection being a belief in God. But it gets better, take a lok at this:

You have to look closely, but yes, those are workers climbing over the edge of a 7 storey building to drop on the scaffold. The good news is, from what I have seen your average Nigerian is as graceful and body aware as a ballet dancer. I have watched a man walk down a 2 inch wide wall carrying a load for 40 feet, and not even consider how hard it was. The more I know them, the more I like Nigerians.

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