Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Aftermath

Well it has been a week since the accident and I am healing up. Still a bit sore, but looking forward to going to work. I enjoy my work. And it is also damn boring sitting in the house.

Prodeco is resolving the claims of the Okada owner and his passenger. I am not quite sure how that works, but eventually someone will explain it to me. My injuries really weren't that serious, but the medical team here is very careful, and I appreciate that. My head is still head shaped.

The bit of road rash on my arm is trivial, and in a hard place to get in a picture. The most gruesome looking, is the bruising on my left calf:

But it is just that, a bruise (okay and a tiny cut). It is sore, but I can walk on it, walked to the store yesterday. Going to work tomorrow morning.

One thing I need to say is "Thank You" to all the people, Nigerian and Expat, that have gone out of their way to help me make it thru this fiasco. You are a great group of people and I am lucky to know you.

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